Requests for meetings and other engagement

Requests for meetings will be politely declined unless it specifically relates to current work.

Please could companies consider the following:

  • Who is the best person at your organisation to be the single point of contact with PrescQIPP. It doesn’t mean we won’t have wider communications with your colleagues but we have found that a single point of contact maintains good channels of communication and flow of information
  • If you have a product, joint working project or initiative that you would like to inform us of please get in touch providing supporting information that will allow us to ascertain the relevance to our own work plan and clinical appropriateness. We will then get back in touch if we have any questions or would like to arrange a discussion
  • For rebate schemes please see the primary care rebate scheme page for more information
  • Finally please be aware that we do not promote your products or schemes, we offer clinical guidance, implementation materials and highlight opportunity for our subscribers. Our subscribers lead on the work plan and it is subject to change should they ask for alterations. We do not change timescales unless agreed with our subscribers

Get in touch
