Innovation award highly commended - Developing or Working Across ICS/STPS - NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

On the 5th May, 1-2pm, we will be welcoming Steph Ransom from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough CCG to further capture and share their highly commended project in October 2019, under the Developing or Working across ICS/STP category – System-Wide Out of Stock Working Group (SWOOSWG).

Steph will present and share her experience of working together as an STP to manage critical drug shortages to reduce duplication of work and improve communication between healthcare sectors to mitigate any risks to patient safety relating to medicine shortages.

Steph will talk about the success stories as well as the lessons learned.

The presentation will be followed by a Q & A session.

All registered subscribers can sign up here.
