High Cost Drugs (including Biosimilars)

This page brings together all the available PrescQIPP and national resources relating to high cost drugs that are excluded from the National tariff. This includes resources that cover some of the general principles and issues relating to the introduction of biosimilar medicines.

General resources

B156: Commissioning high cost drugs and devices

This bulletin provides background and guidance to commissioners on arrangements for high cost drugs and devices that are excluded from the National Tariff and provides supporting tools for implementation.


This PrescQIPP report has been designed to allow the identification of inappropriate prescribing of both high cost drugs excluded from the National Tariff, and drugs which are associated with a high risk and therefore may not be suitable for prescribing in primary care.

The report has been run on all high cost drugs excluded from the National Tariff and cytotoxic agents from sections 8.1 and 8.2 of the BNF.

Visual FP10 High cost drugs and high risk drugs prescribing report

The medicines optimisation dashboard is hosted by NHSBSA, however managed by the Medicines Optimisation Intelligence Group which is chaired by Bruce Warner, Deputy Chief Pharmacist, NHS England.

This dashboard is part of the wider PPRS/Medicines Optimisation Programme, a joint programme of action by NHS England and the ABPI with the full support of Government through the Ministerial Industry Strategy Group.

The Medicine Optimisation Trust dashboard gives you data on the uptake of biosimilars.


Subcutaneous preparations

B264: Subcutaneous infliximab

This bulletin reviews the place in therapy for subcutaneous Infliximab which may help reduce capacity problems with providers during the current pandemic. A cost calculator tool template is available as a supporting resource.

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B274: Subcutaneous vedolizumab

This bulletin reviews the place in therapy for subcutaneous vedolizumab which may help reduce capacity problems with providers during the current pandemic. A cost calculator tool template is available as a supporting resource.

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Biologics cost calculator

The Biologics cost calculator is a tool to compare costs for biologic agents used in different diseases states, taking into account local drug acquisition cost and associated activity charges. Disease states currently covered include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn's disease
  • Axial spondyloarthritis
  • Plaque psoriasis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Atopic dermatitis

Biologics cost calculator v3.0.xlsx

General resources (Biosimilars)

B111: Biosimilars - An introduction

For most people the issue of biosimilar medicines is a new one. This document seeks to provide some clarity of many of the common issues raised for anyone new to this area.

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Preparing for biosimilars webinar (primary care)

This webinar explains what biological and biosimilar medicines are, how they are manufactured and the opportunities that they will create for more cost-effective prescribing.

Preparing for biosimilars webinar (secondary care)

Prescribing of biological medicines, and therefore biosimilars, will often be initiated within secondary care. This webinar discusses key issues and the potential for effective use of resources.

Biosimilars event 2015

PrescQIPP hosted an all-day event centred on the biosimilar of infliximab. The aim was to bring clinicians, nurses and pharmacists together to discuss the key issues relating to the implementation and uptake of the biosimilar in clinical practice.

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Health Technology Assessments (HTAs)

This session looked at the principles and application of Health Economics. James Clark-Wright, a senior health economist with Boehringer Ingelheim provided an introduction to Health Technology Assessments.

Biosimilar Infliximab (Remsima, Inflectra)

B111: Infliximab summary for commissioners

Biosimilar infliximab is the most significant biosimilar to become available within the NHS for many years. Primary care commissioners / pharmacy leads need to be able to understand the particular issues that relate to the biosimilar version of infliximab and key issues affecting uptake.

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B111: Infliximab summary for prescribers

The prescribers of infliximab (gastroenterologists, rheumatologist and dermatologists) will not be familiar with biosimilar medicines. This document discusses the main areas of concern for prescribers as well as which patients should be considered for the biosimilar.

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Infliximab switch - patient letter

One of the difficult areas for prescribers will be explaining biosimilars to their patients. This area is unavoidably complex and levels of patient understanding will vary widely. This letter is completely adaptable to local needs but seeks to get many of the key issues across as succinctly as possible.

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Biosimilar Insulin Glargine (Abasaglar)

B130: Biosimilars - Insulin analogues

Biosimilar insulin glargine is the most recent biosimilar to become available within the NHS. This product will be of particular interest in primary care as there is significant primary care prescribing of the insulin analogues.

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Biosimilars, an update webinar

In this webinar from the 13th November 2015, PrescQIPP's Secondary Care Lead, James Kent provided an update on Biosimilars with a specific focus on Insulin Gargine.

Biosimilar Etanercept

B154: Biosimilars - Etanercept

Biosimilar Etanercept is the most recent biosimilar to become available within the NHS. This resource discusses the key issues for healthcare professionals considering a switch to biosimilar etanercept and also provides patient resources to support change.

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National publications and Resources
