Low priority prescribing

Here are all the resources that have been developed to support the implementation of the NHS England low priority prescribing guidance (based on the PrescQIPP DROP-List).

Bulletin 339: Low priority prescribing

Our updated low priority prescribing guidance covers the NHS England Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care guidance and provides general advice. Where available, bulletins and implementation materials to support individual items featured in the guidance are in the slider below. 

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Note: Patient information, presentations and searches can be found in the overarching resource bulletin above.

Antioxidant vitamins for AMD

The evidence to support the use of antioxidant vitamins to reduce the progression of age related macular degeneration is limited.

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Doxazosin MR

This bulletin supports a switch to the immediate release formulation.

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Immediate release fentanyl has a NICE do not do as a first line treatment for breakthrough pain. This bulletin focuses on fentanyl immediate-release formulations.

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There is limited evidence to support the use of glucosamine and chondroitin products and they are listed as a NICE do not do. This bulletin reviews the use of glucosamine (with or without chondroitin) preparations.

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Herbal remedies

The MHRA allows herbal products to be marketed for minor health conditions that don’t require medical supervision, upon receipt of a Traditional Herbal Registration (THR). Claims to treat major health conditions are not allowed under a THR and would need a marketing authorisation. Under a THR there is no requirement to prove scientifically that a product works, the registration is based on longstanding use of the product. These products should be purchased as part of self care.

Homeopathic remedies

In 2010, a report by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee found that the use of homeopathy was not evidence based and any benefits to patients was down to placebo effect.


This bulletin has been updated to reflect the latest national guidance on liothyronine and it's place in therapy. An audit tool, patient messages and PowerPoint presentation are available as supporting resources.

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Needles for pre-filled and reusable insulin pens (update coming soon)

This bulletin looks at cost effective choices of needles and also advises on the appropriate use of safer sharps.

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Omega-3 fatty acids

This bulletin provides information and resources to support deprescribing of these products which are considered low priority for prescribing and not cost-effective (with the exception of icosapent ethyl prescribed in line with NICE TA805).

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Oxycodone/Naloxone (Targinact ®)

This bulletin supports the review of oxycodone/naloxone prolonged release tablets, the rationale to stop treatment and also suggests alternative treatment options.

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Perindopril arginine

This bulletin was originally developed in May 2018, however as the price of perindopril erbumine was higher than perindopril arginine it was not published. The prices have now come down, but the savings are not as high as they previously were. The prices and references have been updated in this resource and it has been published for those commissioners who still wish to review prescribing.

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This bulletin covers rubefacients and other miscellaneous topical analgesics. An audit, presentation and patient letter are available as supporting tools.

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Silk garments

This bulletin supports the implementation of NHS England (NHSE) and the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) guidance in relation to silk garments. Supporting data, infobriefs, an audit, GP clinical system searches, text message or letter templates and patient information leaflet are also available.

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This bulletin focuses on Tramacet® (paracetamol 325mg/tramadol 37.5mg) and provides the rationale for new patients to be initiated on paracetamol or paracetamol with codeine.

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Travel vaccines

This bulletin identifies those vaccines that should not be prescribed on the NHS for travel as well as offering advice on developing a local policy on travel vaccines.

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Trimipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) that has been subject to significant price increases. This bulletin reviews use with resources to support stopping or switching treatment in depression in adults.

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Self care webkit

Links to all our published self care resources and shared good practice.

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Dental products on FP10

This bulletin has been developed to encourage dentists to prescribe necessary treatments rather than refer to GPs for a prescription (which can take up valuable appointment time).

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Management of infantile colic

This bulletin covers the place in therapy for lactase, simeticone and gripe water products.

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This bulletin focuses on reviewing prescribing of probiotics (including VSL#3® and Vivomixx®) and discontinuing therapy due to probiotic products no longer being approved under the ACBS scheme. An audit and patient letter are available.

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Vitamins and minerals

This bulletin reviews the place in therapy for the multivitamin and mineral supplements and also the vitamin B complex products.

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