Respiratory care

All our respiratory care resources and campaign materials as well as links to good practice projects.

B251: Asthma

Discusses the pharmacological management of chronic asthma and provides tools to support moving to a NICE-based asthma pathway.

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B283: COPD

Discusses the pharmacological management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with a focus on inhaled therapies and supporting the implementation of national guidance.

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B295: Inhaler carbon footprint

This resource, jointly commissioned by NHSEI and PrescQIPP, supports the NHS objective for lowering the inhaler carbon footprint.

Inhaler carbon emissions data for each inhaler are provided. The data tool provides comparative inhaler prescribing data at all levels. The inhaler switch tool allows users to view the impact of any inhaler switches on the inhaler carbon footprint and costs.

A full download pack of bulletins and attachments are also available.

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Webinar: Inhaler carbon reduction for a Greener NHS

The NHS LTP targets will require reducing the carbon impact of inhalers by at least 50%.

What does this mean in practice? How can we deliver this as part of high quality respiratory care? What considerations are appropriate in prescribing, dispensing and disposal of used devices? How will local be incentivised and supported?

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Patient resources

These resources can be used in your own communications campaigns and include an email footer, label and leaflets. They are available with or without the NHS logo.

Help reduce global warming - return your used aerosol inhalers to your pharmacy for environmentally safe disposal

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