Our new Dependence Forming Medications e-learning course is now live

Our CPD accredited Dependence Forming Medications (DFM) e-learning course is designed for medicines management teams, GPs, practice nurses, practice pharmacists and non-medical prescribers. It covers the statistics around the use of DFMs, including modules on:

  • Introduction to DFMs
  • Opioids
  • Benzodiazepines and z-drugs
  • Gabapentin and pregabalin

It offers practical advice regarding the initiation of these medicines and how long-term use can be reviewed and managed. The learning from the course is supported by four case studies and advice from two GPs with special interest in this area.

Free trial for up to five members of subscribed medicines management teams - please contact your subscriber lead for the code or buy direct from our webstore.

Please contact us for further information on commissioning any courses for your area.
